Wagner Ranch Elementary is a public school located in Orinda, CA, in a rural setting. The student population of Wagner Ranch Elementary is 416, and the school serves K-5. At Wagner Ranch Elementary, 82% of students scored at or above the math level, and 87% scored at or above the math level.

The student enrolment rate of the school is 38%. The student-teacher ratio is 21:1, which is the same as that of the district. The student population consists of 50 per cent female and 50 per cent male students. The school enrolls 1 percent economically disadvantaged students. There are 20 equivalent full-time teachers.

Mission Statement

The mission of Wagner Ranch Elementary School, in partnership with our staff, families and community, is to inspire each child through educational excellence, diverse enrichment experiences and mutual respect, to a lifetime of learning and the creation of a better world.

Wagner Ranch School is committed to inspiring our students to academic excellence within a community that fosters respect, honesty, responsibility, self-discipline, compassion, and a positive attitude. Our goal is to prepare our students with the vital knowledge and skills they need for success while at the same time encouraging creativity, curiosity, and a lifelong love of learning.

Our supportive parent community is invaluable. High parent involvement, school to home communications, and support for our enriched curriculum creates a powerful partnership at Wagner Ranch. Working together, we strive to offer the best academic and social-emotional support for the children we share. Parents provide vital support at home, with homework and reading nightly. We welcome parents to become involved through our active Parents’ Club, as classroom volunteers, and through our many Family Fun events throughout the year.

Test Scores at Wagner Ranch Elementary

At Wagner Ranch Elementary, 82% of students scored at or above the math level and 87% scored at or above the math level. Compared to the district, according to this metric, the school did worse in math and worse in reading. In Orinda Union Elementary, 88 per cent of students tested at or above the reading level and 86 percent tested at or above that level for math. 

Wagner Ranch Elementary has done better in math and better in reading this metric compared to students across the state. In California, 46% of students tested at or above the reading level and 38% tested at or above the math level.


They are lucky that Orinda’s schools offer a lot more than the state of California does, but they need your support to make it happen. All of the programs on this page are not State-funded and are therefore parent-funded and, in some cases, organized and managed by their parents. Your donations to the Parents’ Club (PC) and the Orinda Educational Foundation (EFO) support many of these programs, such as art and music classes for all students. The following programs require additional fees, beyond donations to the PC & EFO, to participate:

  • After School Enrichment Classes
  • Bandit Club Before and After School Care
  • Hot Lunch Program
  • Spanish

Orinda, California is blessed with some of the top schools in Northern California:

  • Miramonte High School
  • Orinda Intermediate School
  • Del Rey Elementary School
  • Glorietta Elementary School
  • Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

All of these schools are located just a short distance from our location in downtown Walnut Creek, Spaulding Concrete on Locust Street!