How Much Does It Generally Cost To Extend A Concrete Driveway?

Extending your concrete driveway is a smart idea if you don’t have the time or money to replace it, but how much does it cost? The average price for extending a concrete driveway ranges from $4,000 to $6,500 depending on the size of the job. There are also additional costs such as excavation and disposal fees that can vary based on your location. To find out more about what factors might influence your project’s pricing or to get an estimate of how much you’ll be paying, contact a paving contractor near you today!

How Much Does It Cost On Average?

From $4000 to $6500 based on the size of the job. There are additional costs such as excavation and disposal fees that can vary based on your location. To find out more about what factors might influence pricing or to get an estimate of how much you’ll be paying, contact a paving contractor near you today!

From $4000 to $6500 based on the size of your driveway extension project. For instance, a small backyard concrete drive will cost less than an extensive expansion onto a city property with heavy traffic and tall trees.

Additional costs such as excavation and disposal fees can vary depending on where you are located or what materials you need for your particular project (such as gravel). To find out more about pricing factors that may affect how much you’ll pay or to get an estimate of what it would cost, contact paving contractors near you today!

What Factors Can Influence Pricing?

  • The material you need for your particular extension. For example, if gravel is needed to complete the project then this will affect pricing drastically and may result in a higher cost than using concrete only.
  • Where you are located can also have an effect on how much it would cost because different areas of the country or city generally charge more depending on what materials they use or where it’s being installed (in someone’s backyard vs. public space).
  • Your location may also determine whether excavation is required which impacts costs as well by adding up to $3000-$4000 onto your total price quote! It all depends on what kind of ground there is below the driveway surface before any work begins so make sure you know beforehand just in case .
  • The more the driveway needs to be extended, the higher cost it will get.
  • The country or city generally charge more depending on what materials they use or where it’s being installed (in someone’s backyard vs. public space).
  • Your location may also determine whether excavation is required which impacts costs as well by adding up to $3000-$4000 onto your total price quote! It all depends on what kind of ground there is below the driveway surface before any work begins so make sure you know beforehand just in case .
  • The more the driveway needs to be extended, the higher cost it will get.

The cost of extending a concrete driveway will vary depending on the size and scope of your project. For example, if you need to extend the drive by 100 feet, this could run about $12 per square foot with an average price for labor included. To get more accurate pricing information for your particular project, give us a call or fill out our contact form today!

Are You Looking for a Company to Extend Your Concrete Driveway? 

Spaulding Concrete has been the SF Bay Area’s top concrete contractor for Driveway Additions & Extensions for over 30 years.  The qualified concrete experts at Spaulding Concrete will be on schedule, on budget and meet or exceed standards by careful planning, professional execution, and strict quality control. To schedule your free quote, contact us today! We are proud to serve Orinda, Lafayette, Moraga, Pleasant Hill, Concord, Martinez, Pittsburg, Antioch, Brentwood and the surrounding areas.